Wednesday 15 February 2012

What is your purpose?

Happy post chocolate comatose day to all those who ate chocolate on Valentines Day! I just realized it has been a while since any of us have blogged... so I thought I would provide a thought from a brain flow I had in class this morning.

What is YOUR purpose in life? I mean besides, reproduction, sleeping, and eating. What is the reason you were put on this earth by whatever religious, spiritual, non-religious, non-spiritual, focus of life you believe in?

Its something we don't often take the time to think about. I personally believe that we were all put on this planet to complete a certain goal. And that our lives are all incredibly intertwined. We meet people for reasons, people leave our lives for reasons, ect... sort of Adjustment Bureau-esque.

I am not really sure why I was put on this earth. I am not completely sure of what my purpose is here yet. I have some thoughts that could be why I was placed here. I play around with the idea that maybe we never know, and it is only after we die that people realize what our purpose on earth was.

If I had to guess what my purpose was at this point in my life, I would personally (other people may have different thoughts...and please share if you do!) say that I was put on here to give love. A very dear friend of mine described me one day as a bowl of love. I am a bowl of love. I have an innate ability to recognize when people need love, and I give them love. Every once and a while my bowl gets a little low, and then I must recuperate...I attribute this to the times where I become and introvert for a few days...once recuperated, I can give more.

I wonder if this will change over time? Not my ability to love, but my thoughts on my purpose on the planet? Do you think we 'pick' our friends based on compatible purposes in life? Our partners?

I know this may be a little out there for some of my readers...if anyone actually reads it at all. But thats the beautiful thing about 'confessions'. I am expressing, and opening myself to you.

What do you think you were put on this earth to do? (at least at this point in your life)

hippie at heart?


  1. I'm glad you are back, I've missed your posts! This is a good question! I've never really thought about it but I think it is important to consider. Life has so much to offer and when you just go through the motions, you miss out on so much!

  2. I do not have an answer to your question, but I do recommend reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom.
