Sunday 18 March 2012

Follow up: What Is Your Purpose

Hello All- its been a while!

After my post below regarding what your purpose was in life, I was finally pushed to read 5 People You Meet in Heaven. What a wonderful, short read. It is just shy of 200 pages (small pages at that) and it only took me a few hours to read (at most!). If you haven't read it I highly suggest that you pick it up!

My favourite saying from the entire book was very early on, I believe it was in Eddie's first lesson...

‎"There are no random acts. We are all connected. You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind"

I think people would treat people a whole lot nicer if they realized and took this idea into consideration. It is an idea I have always toyed with and believed in, but it is good to remind you ever once and a while just how true it is!

Sorry for the short post, writers block just set in! 


  1. I also enjoyed "Five People You Meet In Heaven" (although it has been several years since I originally read it). I remember that it really made me stop and think ... and I wasn't expecting that from such a short book.

  2. I will put that book on my reading list. I think our politicians and world leaders could use this book from the sounds of it.
